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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


offset(int) - Method in class org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.FuzzyPoint
offset(int) - Method in class org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.SimplePoint
offset(int) - Method in interface org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.template.Point
Returns a new point offset by the given distance
okPressed() - Method in class bacnet.expressionAtlas.core.SelectGenomeElementDialog
When Ok is pressed, update the different genome elements sleected
okPressed() - Method in class bacnet.genomeBrowser.dialog.AddProteomicsDataDialog
okPressed() - Method in class bacnet.genomeBrowser.dialog.AddTranscriptomicsDataDialog
okPressed() - Method in class bacnet.genomeBrowser.dialog.LegendDialog
okPressed() - Method in class bacnet.table.gui.FilterDialog
okPressed() - Method in class bacnet.table.gui.FilterExpressionMatrixDialog
okPressed() - Method in class bacnet.table.gui.HideExpressionMatrixDialog
OldLocusTagArray - Static variable in class bacnet.datamodel.annotation.LocusTag
OmicsData - Class in bacnet.datamodel.dataset
Abstract Class describing data related to omics data
OmicsData() - Constructor for class bacnet.datamodel.dataset.OmicsData
OmicsData.ColNames - Enum in bacnet.datamodel.dataset
OmicsData.TypeData - Enum in bacnet.datamodel.dataset
Enum referencing the different type of OmicsData possible: GeneExpr Tiling RNASeq TSS (Transcription Initiation Site) NTerm (Translation Initiation Site) Proteome (Matrix of protein found) MassSpec (List of peptides found by mass spectrometry) ExpressionMatrix (General matrix format) unknown
omitOverlapping(String, Location, boolean) - Method in class org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff.FeatureList
Create a list of all features that do not overlap the specified location on the specified sequence.
ONE - Enum constant in enum org.biojava3.core.sequence.transcription.Frame
OneOfLocation(List<Location>) - Constructor for class org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.InsdcLocations.OneOfLocation
OneOfLocation(Location...) - Constructor for class org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.InsdcLocations.OneOfLocation
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.e4.rap.InitViewBacnet
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.e4.rap.InitViewListeria
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.e4.rap.InitViewListeriaSample
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.e4.rap.InitViewYersinia
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.expressionAtlas.HeatMapMultiOmicsView
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.expressionAtlas.HeatMapProteomicsExpressionView
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.expressionAtlas.HeatMapProteomicsView
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.expressionAtlas.HeatMapTranscriptomicsView
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.expressionAtlas.ProteomicsExpressionView
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.expressionAtlas.ProteomicsView
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.expressionAtlas.TranscriptomicsView
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.genomeBrowser.GenomeTranscriptomeView
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.genomeBrowser.NTerminomicsView
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.AnnotationView
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.GeneView
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.GenomicsView
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.SrnaView
onFocus() - Method in class bacnet.views.CoExprNetworkView
open8081GeneView(EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.GeneView
Display GeneView
It will display 8081
open91001GeneView(EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.GeneView
Display GeneView
It will display 91001
openAnnotationView(EPartService, Genome) - Static method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.AnnotationView
Display a given gene
OpenExpressionMatrixAndComparisons - Class in bacnet.expressionAtlas.core
Run thread for opening BioCondition, Comparisons, detect Genome and open corresponding LogFC ExpressionMatrix
OpenExpressionMatrixAndComparisons(ArrayList<String>, HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>, boolean) - Constructor for class bacnet.expressionAtlas.core.OpenExpressionMatrixAndComparisons
Open BioCondition, Comparisons, detect Genome and open corresponding LogFC ExpressionMatrix
openFile(File) - Static method in class
For a filename this code will check the extension of the file for a .gz extension.
openGeneView(EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.GeneView
Display GeneView
It will display Genome.getDefautGenome(); CO92
OpenGenomesThread(ArrayList<String>) - Constructor for class bacnet.datamodel.sequence.Genome.OpenGenomesThread
openHTML(String, String, EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.views.InternalBrowser
Open an HTML file
openIP32953GeneView(EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.GeneView
Display GeneView
It will display IP32953
openKIMGeneView(EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.GeneView
Display GeneView
It will display KIM
openList(ArrayList<String>, String, EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.views.InternalBrowser
Open an HTML version of the String ArrayList
openPasswordDialog() - Method in class bacnet.e4.rap.InitViewListeriaSample
openPasswordDialog(Shell) - Method in class bacnet.e4.rap.AppSpecificMethods
Push states to change url
openPB1GeneView(EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.GeneView
openPestoidesGeneView(EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.GeneView
openQMA0440GeneView(EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.GeneView
Display GeneView
It will display QMA0440
openTable(String[][], String, EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.views.InternalBrowser
Open an HTML version of the String array
openTag(String) - Method in class org.biojava3.core.util.PrettyXMLWriter
openTag(String) - Method in interface org.biojava3.core.util.XMLWriter
Open a new unqualified XML tag.
openTag(String, String) - Method in class org.biojava3.core.util.PrettyXMLWriter
openTag(String, String) - Method in interface org.biojava3.core.util.XMLWriter
Open a new namespace-qualified XML tag.
openText(String, String, EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.views.InternalBrowser
Open an HTML version of the String
openURL(String, String, EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.views.InternalBrowser
Open an HTML file
openURLInExternalBrowser(String, EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.raprcp.NavigationManagement
Show the help page in an external browser
openView(EPartService, String) - Static method in class bacnet.table.TableSWTView
Open a HeatMapTranscriptomicsView using EPartService and an id
openView(EPartService, String, String) - Static method in class bacnet.swt.ResourceManager
Open a HeatMapTranscriptomicsView using EPartService and an id !!!!!!
openWAGeneView(EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.GeneView
openY11GeneView(EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.GeneView
Display GeneView
It will display Y11
openYPIIIGeneView(EPartService) - Static method in class bacnet.sequenceTools.GeneView
Display GeneView
It will display YPIII
Operon - Class in bacnet.datamodel.sequence
Operon - Enum constant in enum bacnet.datamodel.sequence.Sequence.SeqType
Operon() - Constructor for class bacnet.datamodel.sequence.Operon
Operon(String, int, int, char) - Constructor for class bacnet.datamodel.sequence.Operon
operons - Variable in class bacnet.scripts.genome.CircularGenomeJPanel
opposite() - Method in class org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff.Location
Return location that is in same position on opposite strand.
ORANGE - Static variable in class bacnet.utils.BasicColor
OrderLocation(int, int, Strand, List<Location>) - Constructor for class org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.InsdcLocations.OrderLocation
OrderLocation(int, int, Strand, Location...) - Constructor for class org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.InsdcLocations.OrderLocation
OrderLocation(Point, Point, Strand, boolean, List<Location>) - Constructor for class org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.InsdcLocations.OrderLocation
OrderLocation(Point, Point, Strand, boolean, Location...) - Constructor for class org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.InsdcLocations.OrderLocation
OrderLocation(Point, Point, Strand, List<Location>) - Constructor for class org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.InsdcLocations.OrderLocation
OrderLocation(Point, Point, Strand, Location...) - Constructor for class org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.InsdcLocations.OrderLocation
org.biojava3.core.exceptions - package org.biojava3.core.exceptions
org.biojava3.core.sequence - package org.biojava3.core.sequence
org.biojava3.core.sequence.compound - package org.biojava3.core.sequence.compound
org.biojava3.core.sequence.edits - package org.biojava3.core.sequence.edits
org.biojava3.core.sequence.features - package org.biojava3.core.sequence.features - package - package - package
org.biojava3.core.sequence.loader - package org.biojava3.core.sequence.loader
org.biojava3.core.sequence.location - package org.biojava3.core.sequence.location
org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.template - package org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.template - package
org.biojava3.core.sequence.template - package org.biojava3.core.sequence.template
org.biojava3.core.sequence.transcription - package org.biojava3.core.sequence.transcription
org.biojava3.core.sequence.views - package org.biojava3.core.sequence.views
org.biojava3.core.util - package org.biojava3.core.util
org.biojava3.genome - package org.biojava3.genome
org.biojava3.genome.parsers.geneid - package org.biojava3.genome.parsers.geneid
org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff - package org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff
org.biojava3.genome.query - package org.biojava3.genome.query
org.biojava3.genome.uniprot - package org.biojava3.genome.uniprot
org.biojava3.genome.util - package org.biojava3.genome.util
organizePhyloTable(String) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.database.PhylogenomicsCreation
organizeResults(String) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.genome.SDProfile
Go through the tables created, reorganize the different indexes to order Base pairs.
For random values, verify that the SD calculation is good.
OTHER - Enum constant in enum bacnet.table.core.ColorMapper.TypeMapper
OTHER - Enum constant in enum bacnet.table.core.ColorMapperRCP.Type
outerProduct(double[][]) - Static method in class bacnet.utils.ArrayUtils
Calcul of the Outer Product Matrix
outputFastaSequenceLengthGFF3(File, File) - Static method in class org.biojava3.genome.GeneFeatureHelper
Output a gff3 feature file that will give the length of each scaffold/chromosome in the fasta file.
OutputHitsGFF - Class in org.biojava3.genome.query
OutputHitsGFF() - Constructor for class org.biojava3.genome.query.OutputHitsGFF
outputName - Static variable in class bacnet.scripts.blast.BlastOutput
outputToStream(Document, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.biojava3.core.util.XMLHelper
outputToStream(Element, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.biojava3.core.util.XMLHelper
overlap(Sequence, Sequence) - Static method in class bacnet.datamodel.sequence.Sequence
Calculate the overlapping size of two genes
First, find the gene upstream to the other
Then, as we got gene1.begin < gene2.begin, overlap = gene1.end - gene2.begin
overlap can be negative, it will mean that we have no overlap (gene1.end < gene2.begin)
or overlap can be higher than gene2.length, in that case overlap = gene2.length
overlap(DNASequence, DNASequence) - Static method in class bacnet.datamodel.sequenceNCBI.GeneNCBITools
Calculate the overlapping size of two genes
First, find the gene upstream to the other
Then, as we got gene1.begin < gene2.begin, overlap = gene1.end - gene2.begin
overlap can be negative, it will mean that we have no overlap (gene1.end < gene2.begin)
or overlap can be higher than gene2.length, in that case overlap = gene2.length
overlapEqual(int[], double) - Static method in class bacnet.datamodel.proteomics.NTermFilter
Return true if overlap[0] < value
overlapInf(int[], double) - Static method in class bacnet.datamodel.proteomics.NTermFilter
Return true if overlap[0] < value
overlappingKmers(Sequence<C>, int) - Static method in class org.biojava3.core.sequence.template.SequenceMixin
Used to generate overlapping k-mers such i.e.
overlaps(Location) - Method in class org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff.Location
Check if this location and other location overlap.
overlapSup(int[], double) - Static method in class bacnet.datamodel.proteomics.NTermFilter
Return true if overlap[0] < value
OVERLAY - Enum constant in enum bacnet.genomeBrowser.core.Track.DisplayType
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form