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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


factorial(int) - Static method in class bacnet.utils.MathUtils
Calculate the factorial of n
FASTA - Enum constant in enum org.biojava3.core.sequence.template.LightweightProfile.StringFormat
FastaFileReader<S extends Sequence<?>,C extends Compound> - Class in bacnet.reader
FastaFileReader(File, FastaHeaderParserInterface<S, C>, SequenceCreatorInterface<C>) - Constructor for class bacnet.reader.FastaFileReader
If you are going to use the FileProxyProteinSequenceCreator then you need to use this constructor because we need details about the location of the file.
FastaFileReader(InputStream, FastaHeaderParserInterface<S, C>, SequenceCreatorInterface<C>) - Constructor for class bacnet.reader.FastaFileReader
If you are going to use FileProxyProteinSequenceCreator then do not use this constructor because we need details about local file offsets for quick reads.
FastaGeneWriter - Class in
A Gene sequence has a Positive or Negative Strand where we want to write out to a stream the 5 to 3 prime version.
FastaGeneWriter(OutputStream, Collection<GeneSequence>, FastaHeaderFormatInterface<GeneSequence, NucleotideCompound>, boolean) - Constructor for class
FastaGeneWriter(OutputStream, Collection<GeneSequence>, FastaHeaderFormatInterface<GeneSequence, NucleotideCompound>, boolean, int) - Constructor for class
FastaHeaderFormatInterface<S extends Sequence<?>,C extends Compound> - Interface in
FastaHeaderParserInterface<S extends Sequence<?>,C extends Compound> - Interface in
FastaReader<S extends Sequence<?>,C extends Compound> - Class in
Use FastaReaderHelper as an example of how to use this class where FastaReaderHelper should be the primary class used to read Fasta files
FastaReader(File, FastaHeaderParserInterface<S, C>, SequenceCreatorInterface<C>) - Constructor for class
If you are going to use the FileProxyProteinSequenceCreator then you need to use this constructor because we need details about the location of the file.
FastaReader(InputStream, FastaHeaderParserInterface<S, C>, SequenceCreatorInterface<C>) - Constructor for class
If you are going to use FileProxyProteinSequenceCreator then do not use this constructor because we need details about local file offsets for quick reads.
FastaReaderHelper - Class in
FastaReaderHelper() - Constructor for class
FastaSequenceParser - Class in
Used to parse a stream of a fasta file to get the sequence
FastaSequenceParser() - Constructor for class
FastaWriter<S extends Sequence<?>,C extends Compound> - Class in
The FastaWriter writes a collection of sequences to an outputStream.
FastaWriter(OutputStream, Collection<S>, FastaHeaderFormatInterface<S, C>) - Constructor for class
Use default line length of 60
FastaWriter(OutputStream, Collection<S>, FastaHeaderFormatInterface<S, C>, int) - Constructor for class
Set custom lineLength
FastaWriterHelper - Class in
The class that should be used to write out fasta file of a sequence collection
FastaWriterHelper() - Constructor for class
FC - Enum constant in enum bacnet.datamodel.dataset.OmicsData.ColNames
FC - Enum constant in enum bacnet.scripts.core.stat.StatTest.TypeStat
FC - Enum constant in enum bacnet.table.core.ColorMapper.TypeMapper
FC - Enum constant in enum bacnet.table.core.ColorMapperRCP.Type
FDR - Class in bacnet.scripts.core.stat
FDR() - Constructor for class bacnet.scripts.core.stat.FDR
FDRBH - Enum constant in enum bacnet.scripts.core.stat.StatTest.TypeStat
FDRBONF - Enum constant in enum bacnet.scripts.core.stat.StatTest.TypeStat
FDRBY - Enum constant in enum bacnet.scripts.core.stat.StatTest.TypeStat
Feature - Class in org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff
A Feature corresponds to a single row in a GFF file.
Feature(String, String, String, Location, Double, int, String) - Constructor for class org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff.Feature
Construct a new Feature from raw data (usually a GFF row).
Feature(Feature) - Constructor for class org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff.Feature
Make a copy of the specified feature.
FeatureHelper - Class in org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff
FeatureHelper() - Constructor for class org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff.FeatureHelper
FeatureI - Interface in org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff
A feature on a sequence (for example, an exon or a gene), defined by a location and a set of attributes encoded as key/value pairs.
FeatureInterface<S extends AbstractSequence<C>,C extends Compound> - Interface in org.biojava3.core.sequence.features
Interface class to handle describing arbitrary features.
FeatureList - Class in org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff
A list of FeatureI objects implemented using a Java ArrayList; corresponds to a GFF file.
FeatureList() - Constructor for class org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff.FeatureList
Construct an empty list.
FeatureList(Collection<FeatureI>) - Constructor for class org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff.FeatureList
Construct a new list containing the same features as the specified list.
FeaturesKeyWordInterface - Interface in org.biojava3.core.sequence.features
Models the keywords that are annotated for a protein sequence at Uniprot.
Febit - Class in
Febit() - Constructor for class
FILE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class bacnet.scripts.database.HomologCreation
We added manually this variable because when running .bat file on windows the file separator can get tricky.
FileAccessError - Error in org.biojava3.core.exceptions
Thrown from SequenceFileProxyLoader if error opening file using RandomnAccessFile
FileAccessError(String) - Constructor for error org.biojava3.core.exceptions.FileAccessError
fileExtension(BlastOutput.BlastOutputTYPE) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.blast.BlastOutput
For a specific type, return the extension of the corresponding file
fileExtension(BlastOutput.BlastOutputTYPE) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.database.HomologCreation
For a specific type, return the extension of the corresponding file
FileProxyDNASequenceCreator - Class in
This class is a good example of using the SequenceCreatorInterface where during parsing of the stream the sequence and the offset index are passed to create a Protein sequence that will be loaded in lazily.
FileProxyDNASequenceCreator(File, CompoundSet<NucleotideCompound>) - Constructor for class
Need File so that we can store full path name in SequenceFileProxyLoader for Random File access as a quick read
FileProxyProteinSequenceCreator - Class in
This class is a good example of using the SequenceCreatorInterface where during parsing of the stream the sequence and the offset index are passed to create a Protein sequence that will be loaded in lazily.
FileProxyProteinSequenceCreator(File, CompoundSet<AminoAcidCompound>) - Constructor for class
Need File so that we can store full path name in SequenceFileProxyLoader for Random File access as a quick read
FileUtils - Class in bacnet.utils
Utils for file manipulation.
FileUtils() - Constructor for class bacnet.utils.FileUtils
filter(ExpressionMatrix, Filter) - Static method in class bacnet.utils.ExpressionMatrixStat
Apply a filter to an ExpressionMatrix
Filter - Class in bacnet.table.core
Filter - Class in bacnet.utils
Filter() - Constructor for class bacnet.table.core.Filter
Filter() - Constructor for class bacnet.utils.Filter
Filter(ExpressionMatrix) - Constructor for class bacnet.table.core.Filter
Filter(ExpressionMatrix) - Constructor for class bacnet.utils.Filter
Filter.TypeFilter - Enum in bacnet.table.core
Filter.TypeFilter - Enum in bacnet.utils
filterAM(ExpressionMatrix) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.core.stat.LPE
Delete values inferior to 0 in am matrix which as been sorted by A values
filterCopyResults(String, String) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.genome.SDProfile
Filters all files by deleting all positive results, and inverting energies.
filterData(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class bacnet.genomeBrowser.GenomeTranscriptomeView
We filter data, and add all comparisons from the data
FilterDialog - Class in bacnet.table.gui
Dialog for managing Filter for ExpressionMatrix
FilterDialog(Filter, Shell) - Constructor for class bacnet.table.gui.FilterDialog
Create the dialog.
filterDiffSize(ArrayList<BlastResult>, int) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.blast.BlastResult
filterEGDe(ExpressionMatrix) - Static method in class
Keep only the row containing EGD-e genes: "lmo" gene
filterEGDe(ExpressionMatrix) - Static method in class
Keep only the row containing EGD-e genes: "lmo" gene
filterEGDe(ExpressionMatrix) - Static method in class
Keep only the row containing EGD-e genes: "lmo" gene
FilterExpressionMatrixDialog - Class in bacnet.table.gui
Dialog displaying the list of Filters currently used on the ExpressionMatrix
FilterExpressionMatrixDialog(FilterList, Shell) - Constructor for class bacnet.table.gui.FilterExpressionMatrixDialog
Create the dialog.
filterF2365(ExpressionMatrix) - Static method in class
Keep only the row containing F2365 genes: "LMOf2365" gene
filterF2365(ExpressionMatrix) - Static method in class
Keep only the row containing F2365 genes: "LMOf2365" gene
filterF2365(ExpressionMatrix) - Static method in class
Keep only the row containing F2365 genes: "LMOf2365" gene
filterHCC23(ExpressionMatrix) - Static method in class
Keep only the row containing HCC23 genes: "LMHCC" gene
filterIdentities(ArrayList<BlastResult>, int) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.blast.BlastResult
Use identities to filter a list of BlastResult
filterLength(ArrayList<BlastResult>, int) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.blast.BlastResult
FilterList - Class in bacnet.table.core
FilterList() - Constructor for class bacnet.table.core.FilterList
FilterList(ExpressionMatrix) - Constructor for class bacnet.table.core.FilterList
filterNetwork() - Method in class bacnet.views.CoExprNetworkView
Using genome elements selected and current cut-off.
filterNetwork(ArrayList<String>, double) - Method in class bacnet.datamodel.dataset.Network
Given a list of vertice and a cutoff, filter the network
filterSmallORF(ArrayList<String>, double) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.blast.MultiSequenceBlastProtein
Filtering table of results by e-value
filterSmallORF(ArrayList<String>, double) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.blast.MultiSequenceTBlastNProtein
Filtering table of results by e-value
filterValue(double) - Method in class bacnet.table.core.Filter
filterValue(double) - Method in class bacnet.utils.Filter
findCodonUsage(String) - Static method in class bacnet.datamodel.proteomics.NTermCreateData
Get Codon usage of the peptide
findColumn(String[][], String) - Static method in class bacnet.utils.ArrayUtils
Find the index of a column, given its header
findEGDePosition() - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.listeriomics.srna.Srna10403SOliver
Get all Srna from Oliver et al. 2009 list, get Sequence in 10403S pseudo_chromosome
Run BlastN on EGD-e.
When Blast are all performed, summarize information in a Table.
Choose which rli to keep
findLeaderLess() - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.listeriomics.nterm.NTermMain
Search for upstream TSS for each NTerm
It uses list of aTIS
findLocusTag(String) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.listeriomics.PhylogenyListeriomics
findLocusTag(String, String) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.listeriomics.PhylogenyListeriomics
Search a locustag in all GFF present for a genomeName
findMissingCELfilesListeria() - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.database.BioConditionCreation
Read Array in expDesignTableFile and search which Raw data is missing
Save missing .CEL and .txt files in three lists: NotFoundCEl GeneExpr.txt NotFoundCEl Tiling.txt NotFoundCEl RNASeq.txt
findModifs() - Method in class bacnet.datamodel.proteomics.TIS
List the type of modification overlap of each NTerm
findNextNterm(int, String) - Method in class bacnet.datamodel.dataset.NTermData
Given a position in the genome, give the NTerm just downstream to it
findNTermRef() - Method in class bacnet.datamodel.proteomics.TIS
Find the Nterm with the highest spectrum
findORFSequence(String, String) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.blast.MultiSequenceBlastProtein
Go through fasta file and extract sequence
findOverlaps() - Method in class bacnet.datamodel.proteomics.TIS
List the type of gene overlap of each NTerm
findPosition() - Method in class bacnet.datamodel.proteomics.TIS
From all the nTerms (supposed in the same strand), get the minimal begin and the maximum end
findPreviousNterm(int, String) - Method in class bacnet.datamodel.dataset.NTermData
Given a position in the genome, give the NTerm just upstream to it
findProbes() - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.arrayexpress.ArrayExpressTechnology
From array probe sequence try to retrieve the gene name
findProbes() - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.listeriomics.ArrayExpress.ArrayExpressTechnology
From array probe sequence try to retrieve the gene name
findRefSequence() - Method in class bacnet.datamodel.proteomics.TIS
Find the total sequence of all peptides
findSameNterm(int, String) - Method in class bacnet.datamodel.dataset.NTermData
Given a position in the genome, give the NTerm just upstream to it
findSDSequence(String) - Static method in class bacnet.datamodel.proteomics.NTermCreateData
For each NTerm calculates anti Shine-Dalgarno sequence affinity in the region -20bp before peptide on the genome
findSDSequenceforLMO() - Static method in class bacnet.datamodel.proteomics.NTermUtils
Find SD binding free energy on region -20bp upstream to each lmo
findSmallORFSequence(String, String) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.blast.MultiSequenceBlastProtein
Go through fasta file and extract sequence
findStart(String) - Static method in class bacnet.datamodel.proteomics.NTermCreateData
Search if the first amino acid or the amino acid before is a StartCodon
findTSS(String) - Static method in class bacnet.datamodel.proteomics.NTermCreateData
FLAT - Enum constant in enum bacnet.scripts.blast.BlastOutput.BlastOutputTYPE
FLAT_SHOW - Enum constant in enum bacnet.scripts.blast.BlastOutput.BlastOutputTYPE
FlatFileCache - Class in org.biojava3.core.util
Provides a cache for storing multiple small files in memory.
foldChange(double[], double[]) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.core.stat.StatUtils
foldChange(double, double) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.core.stat.StatUtils
Calculate ratio value1/value2
foldChangeGeneExpression(double[], double[], boolean) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.core.stat.StatUtils
Vector1 and Vectior2 correspond to three technical replicates, so:
We calculate the fold change by measuring the relative expression (or ratio) of the median expression of vector1 and vector2
foldChangeGeneExpressionWT(double[], double, boolean) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.core.stat.StatUtils
Use this fonction when comparing a vector to a median value already calculated
For example when vector2Median is equal to WT average expression
foldChangeTiling(double[], double[], boolean) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.core.stat.StatUtils
Vector1 and vector2 are the values of all the probes contained in a specific genome element, so:
We calculate the difference within vector1-vector2 (probe by probe) And then calculate the median the resulting vector
foldChangeTilingWT(double[], double, boolean) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.core.stat.StatUtils
folderCreation(String) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.database.HomologCreation
foldRNA(Sequence, String, boolean) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.core.UNAfold
For a specific sequence, get its RNA sequence and fold it
Calculate possible free energies
transform results into annotation file
Display using sir_graph
foldRNA(Sequence, String, boolean) - Static method in class bacnet.utils.UNAfold
For a specific sequence, get its RNA sequence and fold it
Calculate possible free energies
transform results into annotation file
Display using sir_graph
foldRNA(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.core.UNAfold
For a specific sequence, get its RNA sequence and fold it
Calculate possible free energies
transform results into annotation file
Display using sir_graph
foldRNA(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class bacnet.utils.UNAfold
For a specific sequence, get its RNA sequence and fold it
Calculate possible free energies
transform results into annotation file
Display using sir_graph
For - Enum constant in enum bacnet.datamodel.proteomics.NTerm.TypeModif
formatSequence(Genome) - Static method in class bacnet.reader.GBKReader
foundSDSequence() - Method in class bacnet.datamodel.sequence.Sequence
Search the consensus SD sequence in the 20bp upstream to a Sequence
FourBitArrayWorker(String, CompoundSet<C>) - Constructor for class
FourBitArrayWorker(CompoundSet<C>, int) - Constructor for class
FourBitArrayWorker(CompoundSet<C>, int[]) - Constructor for class
FourBitArrayWorker(Sequence<C>) - Constructor for class
FourBitSequenceReader<C extends Compound> - Class in
Four bit encoding of the bit formats.
FourBitSequenceReader(String, CompoundSet<C>) - Constructor for class
FourBitSequenceReader(String, CompoundSet<C>, AccessionID) - Constructor for class
FourBitSequenceReader(FourBitSequenceReader.FourBitArrayWorker<C>) - Constructor for class
FourBitSequenceReader(FourBitSequenceReader.FourBitArrayWorker<C>, AccessionID) - Constructor for class
FourBitSequenceReader(Sequence<C>) - Constructor for class
FourBitSequenceReader.FourBitArrayWorker<C extends Compound> - Class in
A four bit per compound implementation of the bit array worker code.
frame() - Method in class org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff.Feature
Get frame (aka phase).
Frame - Enum in org.biojava3.core.sequence.transcription
Indicates a way of translating a sequence.
fromArraytoList(String[][]) - Static method in class bacnet.utils.ArrayUtils
Transform an array into a List of rows
fromBio(int, int, char) - Static method in class org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff.Location
Create location from "biocoordinates", as in GFF file.
fromBioExt(int, int, char, int) - Static method in class org.biojava3.genome.parsers.gff.Location
Create a location from MAF file coordinates, which represent negative strand locations as the distance from the end of the sequence.
FTP_Path - Static variable in class bacnet.scripts.arrayexpress.ArrayExpressDataImport
FTP_URL - Static variable in class bacnet.scripts.arrayexpress.ArrayExpressTechnology
FTP_URL - Static variable in class bacnet.scripts.listeriomics.ArrayExpress.ArrayExpressTechnology
FULL_SEQUENCE_DATA - Enum constant in enum org.biojava3.core.sequence.SequenceOptimizationHints.SequenceUsage
fusion(String[][], String[][], boolean) - Static method in class bacnet.utils.ArrayUtils
Return a new Array of String which is the fusion of both array If header = true; the first row of array2 is conserved
fusionProteinUTRDB() - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.blast.ProteinTools
Fusion ProteinDB and UTRDB in one file
fusionProteinUTRDB() - Static method in class bacnet.scripts.listeriomics.nterm.NTermDatabase
Fusion ProteinDB and UTRDB in one file
FuzzyPoint - Class in org.biojava3.core.sequence.location
Implementation for resolving fuzzy locations.
FuzzyPoint(int, int) - Constructor for class org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.FuzzyPoint
FuzzyPoint(int, int, Point.Resolver<FuzzyPoint>) - Constructor for class org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.FuzzyPoint
FuzzyPoint(int, int, Point.Resolver<FuzzyPoint>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.biojava3.core.sequence.location.FuzzyPoint
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form